We built
stores nobody could find

OnePlus+ wanted to launch their 5G enabled 8T phone in a BIG way in partnership with TMobile. With the Covid-19 Pandemic cancelling all in person events, we were challenged to create a digital launch event that would excite US consumers, create earned Media and BUZZ!
OnePLus+ has never had a US retail presence. We thought with everything closed this would be a perfect time to OPEN OnePlus+’ first ever retail stores….with a twist 😉
Introducing, The One Plus Go Farther scavenger hunt! The program tasked fans with finding three real OnePlus pop-up stores hidden in remote locations in the U.S., signifying the extent of T-Mobile’s 5G coverage. The incentive for fans during the hunt, which ran Nov. 12-19, was winning prizes that include $5,000 in cash, new smartphones and earbuds.